12 Aug 2008

Kanaru Morimoto - 守本叶鳴

Age: 17

Voiced by: Mai Nakahara

A somewhat timid girl who is acquainted with Shin, Megumi, and Takurō. She is very interested in Shadow Extraction, and she asked Takurō to do a Shadow Extraction on her, which seems to be a forced invoking of a Persona to create a euphoria similar to taking a drug. She suffers from occasional memory loss where she sometimes cannot remember why she is at a place or even where she is at. In the past, she and Mayuri lived in a nursing facility.

She becomes addicted to Shadow Extraction and this may have caused multiple personalties dues to her sudden change in attitude and manner when talking to people, as well as suddenly saying things about what a persona is with out remembering what she said. She also demonstrates a possible romantic interest in Shin which is confirmed by Yuki. Kanaru also manifests her persona in episode 20 though whether she will be able to control it is undetermined as it appears similar to the personae used by the Marebito.

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