11 Aug 2008

Ryō Kanzato - 神郷 諒

Birthday: January 18
Blood type: A
Age: 28

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

Shin and Jun's brother, eldest of the three at twenty-eight. His personality is stoic to the point of being cold, even towards his younger brothers. He entered the police in order to investigate the strange incidents, becoming the youngest superintendent in history. He keeps all important details on the recent 'Reverse' cases to himself, restricting them from others in the police force. In the first episode he is revealed to have a "Persona" of his own, though he does not use an Evoker like the main characters did in Persona 3. A bottle of pills was briefly shown on his desk, perhaps similar to the suppressant drugs Strega used.

He is reported to be missing by the Japanese National Police Agency, but Shin finds him alive when his Persona guns down a Persona user.

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