27 Jan 2009

Orihime Inoue

Orihime Inoue has long light brown hair with bangs behind her ears supported by hairpins. She does not remove her hairpins, except when sleeping (she is seen without them in episode 64 after waking up), as they are worn in memory of her brother, and the manifestation of her spiritual energy power, the Shun Shun Rikka while her hair is worn long in honor of the promise Tatsuki Arisawa once made to protect her. Her large breasts are occasionally made the subject of jokes in the series. She also possesses a very hard head, which has injured Uryū, Chad, and Ichigo. The only person who has been able to damage her head has been Yachiru Kusajishi in a comical moment when she is riding on Kenpachi Zaraki's shoulders. Orihime has brown eyes in color pictures of the manga, but gray eyes in the anime.

Orihime is friendly, humorous, sensitive, and kind. She comes off as naïve and rather clueless, which is at odds with her exceptionally high marks in school Apparently, she is hopeless when it comes to technology. One of the members of the Handicrafts Club remarks that she is too stupid to know how to use a cell phone, which is the reason she does not have one. Additionally, according to Tatsuki, Orihime has the fighting skill of a black belt; however, in the English dubbed version she says Orihime has the skill of a yellow belt.

Her cooking style can be described as very bad, disgusting, or, more often strange to the point that aside from Rangiku Matsumoto and possibly Tessai Tsukabishi, no one would think it delectable, and is one of the running jokes in the series.

Orihime has a tendency to rush into situations without thinking, sometimes leading to embarrassing consequences. At one point, the schoolgirls ask Rukia if she has feelings for Ichigo. When Rukia denies any such thing, Orihime is disappointed that Rukia does not share her sentiments, because if she had, then it would be two girls against one boy and therefore the girls "team" would win, which makes no sense. She also tends to have an overactive imagination and gets carried away thinking of implausible scenarios, such as portraying herself as a futuristic and apparently highly destructive robot in an assignment asking "How do you see yourself in the future?", when the question refers to what occupation one dreamt of or believes they will become.

Orihime has a crush on Ichigo Kurosaki which develops into love as the series progresses. This leads her to be jealous of the relationship Ichigo and Rukia Kuchiki share despite her friendship and admiration of both of them. She has revealed these feelings both to Rangiku Matsumoto and to Ichigo himself, though he was asleep at that time.

Orihime has also demonstrated that she is perceptive, mostly when it comes to Ichigo Kurosaki. She has the uncanny ability to detect Ichigo by scent, and sense his spiritual pressure, even when masked by a powerful barrier.

Through her expanding role in the manga, Orihime has become a more complex character than her earlier archetype suggested. Where Orihime was more happy and goofy at the start of the series later arcs deal with her feelings of inadequacy and inner turmoils. She also functions as a second female lead after the Soul Society arc, which was recognized when her character was featured along with female leads from other Weekly Shonen Jump series on a special Shonen Jump cover.

Orihime scores the highest marks in her year after Uryū Ishida and Ryō Kunieda. Despite her intelligence, she appears to lack "street smarts." She is also a member of the Handicrafts' Club with Uryū Like Chad and Uryū, she is in the same class as Ichigo. She is frequently in the company of Tatsuki, her best friend and a childhood friend of Ichigo's. Orihime lives by herself in Karakura Town, where the story takes place, and is supported by relatives living elsewhere. Previously, she had lived with her older brother, Sora, who was fifteen years older than her. She and her brother were raised by parents who did not want children who were different.

When Sora turned eighteen, he ran away with Orihime, who was three years old, and raised her since. For nine years, Orihime and Sora lived in harmony despite the fact that Orihime was bullied in school because of her long light brown hair. One day, Sora gave Orihime a pair of hairpins. However, Orihime refused to wear them because she said they were childish. On the same day, Sora was wounded in a car accident and died in the Kurosaki clinic. Orihime has worn the hairpins ever since. A year after Sora died, Orihime met Tatsuki who defended her from bullies who verbally and physically abused her because of her hair, which Orihime had cut short in an attempt to staunch the bullying. They have been best friends ever since, with Orihime returning to have her hair long in a show of faith for Tatsuki's vow to protect her.

Orihime's power manifests itself as the Shun Shun Rikka (盾舜六花, Shun Shun Rikka? literally "six flowers of the shielded hibiscus," translated in the English anime as "six princess-shielding flowers"), six fairy-like creatures that reside in her hair-clips (shaped like six-petaled flowers, each fairy is two points on a given clip) when inactive. The nature of Orihime's hairpins have been compared to that of a zanpakutō. Through various combinations of the six fairies, Orihime has the power to deny reality, expressed in the final part of her incantations: "I reject!". This power can be used for attack, defense, or healing (depending on the combination). Orihime's mood directly influences the effectiveness of her powers. Feelings such as doubt or worry makes them weaker, while conviction makes them stronger. At their height, her powers resemble those of a deity in strength.

Orihime's powers initially manifested during the duel between Ichigo and Uryū while trying to protect her friend Tatsuki from Numb Chandelier. She was trained by Yoruichi Shihouin in their usage before attempting to rescue Rukia Kuchiki from being executed in Soul Society. Curiously, Orihime's spiritual energy and powers resemble those of the vizard Hachigen Ushōda (whom had compared her Shun Shun Rikka to a zanpakutō.) Orihime mainly functions in a healing capacity, due to the nature of her powers and her persona; despite her ability to inflict lethal damage, she is a pacifist and will only harm opponents to save someone's life.

The fairies are separate manifestations of Orihime's spirit, each with its own unique appearance and personality, and each named after a flower:

  • Ayame (あやめ, Ayame?)—Voiced by: Tomoe Sakuragawa (Japanese), Philece Sampler (English) Ayame is a shy female spirit covered in a dress larger than her body. She is capable of healing together with Shun'ō.
  • Baigon (梅巌, Baigon?)—Voiced by: Kiyoyuki Yanada (Japanese), Liam O'Brien (English) Baigon is a bald male spirit with a mask that covers the bottom of his face. He is capable of shielding Orihime from attacks along with Hinagiku and Lily.
  • Hinagiku (火無菊, Hinagiku?)—Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (Japanese), Kirk Thornton (English) Hinagiku is a male spirit with a large eye patch that ends in a horn. He is capable of shielding Orihime from attacks along with Baigon and Lily.
  • Lily (リリィ, Rirī?)—Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Japanese), Kate Higgins (English) Lily is a female spirit with bright pink hair, transparent yellow goggles, and a blue thong bathing suit. She has a tattoo on her backside. She is capable of shielding Orihime from attacks along with Baigon and Hinagiku.
  • Shun'ō (舜桜, Shun'ō?)—Voiced by: Junko Noda (Japanese), Dorothy Elias-Fahn (English) Shun'ō is a friendly female spirit with a topknot. She and Tsubaki are usually the ones who talk to Orihime. She is capable of healing together with Ayame.
  • Tsubaki (椿鬼, Tsubaki?)—Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese), Wally Wingert (English)Tsubaki is a fiery male spirit who is the only Shun Shun Rikka capable of direct attack. He often strikes anyone who gets on his nerves (including Orihime). Because he is primarily focused on attacking, he is vulnerable to counter-attacks and has been injured several times. The stronger Orihime's anger and killing intent, the more powerful he becomes. However, Orihime's timid nature limits his overall power and has contributed to his injuries in the past.


Orihime's techniques involve incantations manipulating the Shun Shun Rikka into three different groups. Though Orihime initially needed to chant an incantation to use her techniques, further training has rendered this unnecessary. Her incantation consists of voicing the names of the members involved, followed by the technique name and the phrase "I reject" (私は拒絶する, watashi wa kyozetsu suru?), a reference to the nature of her powers. Unlike other characters with special abilities, Orihime's techniques have developed in their usage rather than their diversity, and by making a stronger link with the Shun Shun Rikka she is able to summon them easier, to the point where they can bring themselves out without Orihime's willing it.

Santen Kesshun (三天結盾, Santen Kesshun? literally "triple heavenly linking shield") is Orihime's defensive technique. The incantation arranges Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon into a triangle, forming a barrier capable of repelling anything on the far side. Because the barrier rejects negative events, it can also function as an airbag of sorts, allowing Orihime and anyone else nearby to survive a potentially lethal fall unharmed.

Sōten Kisshun (双天帰盾, Sōten Kisshun? literally "twin heavenly returning shield") is Orihime's healing technique, though it goes well beyond simple healing. The incantation summons Ayame and Shun'ō to form a half-oval barrier around whatever or whomever Orihime wishes. While active, the barrier repels all negative events inflicted upon anything within the barrier. No matter how extensive the damage may be (whether used on living beings or inanimate objects), the barrier can restore it to full working order by reversing space and time around the damaged area, making it as if the object was never damaged in the first place. It can even resurrect the dead. Objects inside the barrier are unable to leave until the process is complete.

This is the aspect of her power that piques Sōsuke Aizen's interest in her since, in Aizen's words, she "violates the realm of gods." At first it was believed the technique required that Orihime have some piece of what she is healing to restore what's missing. During the first of the Espada attacks, Tsubaki was destroyed and she was unable to heal him because he was shattered into pieces too small to find. However, it has been suggested by Hachigen Ushouda, a Visored with similar powers, that Orihime should be able to restore anything she wants without actually having a piece of it. It is also known that the healing of one of their own kind takes longer.

Koten Zanshun (孤天斬盾, Koten Zanshun? literally "solitary heavenly cutting shield") is Orihime's offensive technique. The incantation summons Tsubaki, who forms a thin barrier on either side of himself. By flying at an enemy, Tsubaki forms a shield within the enemy and rejects their physical bond formations, thus cutting through enemies like a sword. While Tsubaki can cut through basically anything, Orihime's general dislike of combat and hesitance to use lethal force degrades the effectiveness of the technique, making him easy to counter and equally easy to injure. This also suggests that the full effectiveness of this technique has yet to be seen.

source: wikipedia

16 Jan 2009

Rukia Kuchiki

Although there was nothing she could have done to prevent Kaien's death, Rukia continually feels guilty about what happened to him throughout the series. Because she immediately killed Kaien without first trying to find a way to help him, Rukia convinces herself that she valued her own life over his. The only solace she is able to find in his death is the belief that she saved him from a hollow's control. This guilt-ridden attitude carries over to her relationship with Ichigo Kurosaki; when Rukia is taken into custody and Ichigo is gravely wounded in an attempt to save her, she assumes that he dies of his injuries. Feeling that Ichigo's death would have been avoided had she never met him, Rukia loses her reason for living and resigns herself to her sentenced execution.

Because of the amount of time she has spent with Ichigo, Rukia has been able to gain a keen understanding of his inner workings. She is as such always able to help him overcome his own self-doubts, showing him that he can and wants to complete a given task when he himself thinks otherwise. Rukia's relationship with Ichigo is unique, for despite the relatively short amount of time they have known each other, Ichigo can easily confide in her and considers her a true friend because she is encouraging and understands what he is feeling. Rukia's ability to get into others' heads comes into play a number of other times throughout the series, most commonly while in the human world. By playing the part of a poor, innocent girl, Rukia is able to get others to side with her and otherwise focus their scrutiny on an unrelated topic so that her peculiar actions might go unnoticed.

A recurring gag throughout the series is Rukia's drawing ability, or lack thereof. When needing to explain something to someone, most commonly Ichigo, Rukia uses poorly drawn pictures to illustrate the topic. Regardless of what the subject might be, all of her works most closely resemble bears, rabbits, or some other typical woodland creature. Ichigo is always quick to comment on this deficiency, and promptly receives either a beating and/or graffiti to the face for bringing it up.

Rukia's only initial ability are her kidō spells, which she uses for such purposes as restraining, healing, or attacking others. At the start of the series her spells are severely limited, being both weak and of a small variety, due to the bulk of her powers being given to Ichigo. After returning to Soul Society and regaining her Soul Reaper abilities, Rukia is able to cast spells at her previous capacities, such that she can cast multiple spells in quick succession and even use two spells at the same time. Rukia's kidō skills are of great caliber amongst Soul Reapers, and by her own admission her mastery over kidō far surpasses her mastery with a blade.

Rukia's zanpakutō, Sode no Shirayuki (袖の白雪 or 袖白雪, Sode no Shirayuki? literally "sleeve's white snow"), is released with the command "dance" (舞え, mae?). In its released state the blade becomes completely white and a ribbon forms from the pommel, earning it the recognition as the most beautiful snow and ice zanpakutō in Soul Society. Sode no Shirayuki utilizes ice to attack, each of its three abilities being labeled as "dances" by Rukia. "First dance, white moon" (初の舞・月白, some no mai, tsukishiro?) denotes a circular area around Rukia's target and freezes everything within the circle from the ground upwards until it reaches the sky.[29] "The next dance, white ripple" (次の舞・白漣, tsugi no mai, hakuren?) fires a massive wave of ice from Sode no Shirayuki's blade. "Third dance, white sword" (参の舞・白刀, san no mai, shirafune?), her final ability reserved only for when her blade is broken, reforges her zanpakutō with ice particles, piercing through any object in its path and freezing anything in the vicinity.


Species Soul Reaper
Date of birth Jan 14
Occupation Soul Reaper in the 13th Division
Known relatives Hisana Kuchiki (sister, deceased), Byakuya Kuchiki (brother-in-law, adoptive brother)
Zanpakutō Sode no Shirayuki

10 Jan 2009

Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo is a 15-year-old who attempts to cultivate a detached image, for which he keeps his eyebrows constantly furrowed. Ichigo has natural orange hair, a fact that annoys many bullies in his school, who constantly pick fights with him. Ichigo claims that he does not care what others think and seems to enjoy fighting the bullies. While in junior high school, Ichigo met and befriended Yasutora "Chad" Sado, a boy from another school who helped him out of a fight. Chad, although extremely strong, was often the target of beatings because he refused to fight for his own sake due to a promise he had made as a child to his grandfather. Upon discovering this, Ichigo made a pact with Chad in which they both agreed to fight and risk their lives for something the other was willing to risk their life for. Ichigo comments that thanks to Rukia his life changed, and thanks to her he is able to protect the people he cares for.

When Ichigo was nine, his mother, Masaki Kurosaki, was killed by the hollow Grand Fisher, although Ichigo did not find out the true cause of her death until early in the main Bleach storyline. Prior to learning about this, Ichigo felt guilty for his mother's death, blaming himself for wandering too close to the water and causing her to put herself in harm's way to save him. Even after that, Masaki's death continues to influence Ichigo by causing him to feel guilt for his inability to protect those close to him. Since then, Ichigo lives with his father Isshin Kurosaki and his two younger sisters, Yuzu and Karin. His father runs a small medical clinic.

Ichigo's name, written with homophone kanji, means 1 and 5 when separated as ichi (一) and go (五), the reason behind the two numbers' frequent appearances in the series, notably on the sampler hanging on his bedroom door. The word ichigo (苺/イチゴ), written in yet another way, means "strawberry" —one of his nicknames— in Japanese, and is normally only used as a girl's name; when teased about this fact, Ichigo proudly counters that his name is spelled with ichi (一) as in "first" and go (護) from "guardian". Ichigo's father once told him that his name means "he who protects." The name also means 'one's lifetime.'

Ichigo is one of the rare living humans in the Bleach universe to possess innate spiritual powers. As he meets Rukia Kuchiki, they turn out to be both massive and contagious, and many of his friends begin to develop spiritual powers. Because Ichigo produces more spiritual energy than his body can contain, it leaks out constantly, preventing him from hiding it and effectively making stealth impossible when dealing with other spiritually aware beings. Though he does not possess any formal Soul Reaper rank, Ichigo's overall abilities are great enough that he can fight on the level of a Soul Reaper captain.

Ichigo's zanpakutō is named Zangetsu (斬月, Zangetsu? literally "cutting moon"). Unlike most Soul Reapers, who can seal their zanpakutō after releasing it, Ichigo's zanpakutō is always in its shikai form. Its sealed form is that of an ordinary zanpakutō, but oversized as a result of Ichigo's uncontrolled spiritual pressure. Zangetsu's spirit takes the form of a middle-aged man, voiced by Takayuki Sugo in the Japanese anime and by Richard Epcar in the English dub. Zangetsu is portrayed as wise and calm in most matters, and fond of testing Ichigo in unusual ways, many of which have a purpose completely contrary to the stated goal. Zangetsu's special ability is the Getsuga Tenshō (月牙天衝, Getsuga Tenshō? literally "moon-fang slices the heavens", translated in the English anime as "piercer of heaven"), a wave of spirit particles released from his blade's edge. Correspondent to the name, the wave is shaped like a crescent moon. Zangetsu's bankai, named Tensa Zangetsu (天鎖斬月, Tensa Zangetsu? literally "heavenly chain cutting the moon") shrinks the sword down to a fully black one while his uniform also changes to an outfit similar to Zangetsu's. Ichigo's bankai is a compression of his spiritual pressure, rather than a vast expansion as is usually the case. By compressing his power, Ichigo can move at incredibly high speeds, though the form puts tremendous strain on his body.

In addition to his Soul Reaper powers, Ichigo partially becomes a hollow while reobtaining his Soul Reaper powers with the help of Kisuke Urahara. This leaves him with an arrogant inner hollow spirit that grows in strength as the series progresses and tries to take the control of his body while ignoring any injury he has to fight. Ichigo is taught to control his hollow by the Visoreds, allowing him to call upon his hollow powers at will and without sacrificing control by donning his hollow mask. Ichigo can initially only maintain this form for eleven seconds, but the limit increases substantially during his fights in Hueco Mundo.